Data Analytics

Having data is one thing, generating insights and discerning business trends from the data is quite another. Organizations are collecting and maintaining massive amounts of data on a daily basis. The competencies required to make sense of this data and achieve competitive edge are however in short supply. The data analytics environment has evolved signi cantly in the past few years. Integrated Risk Services has walked this journey from the days of basic relational databases to the present age of big data analytics.

We have a multi-faceted approach to analytics

Analytics for business insight

  1. Guiding the client organization in crafting its strategy for implementing big data analytics: We have a structured approach which includes ensuring the big data strategy ts appropriately into your overall company objectives.
  2. Helping to select the right tools for data analysis: With solid experience in the use of big data analytics tools, we shall provide expert view, before you commit budget to the big data analytics project.
  3. Reviewing the implementation of data analysis: For clients who have already started this journey, an independent review of the state of big data analytics in your organization is a key value-add and would help in squeezing out additional business value.
  4. Performing the actual data analysis: Integrated Risk Services can actually undertake the big data analytics project under a managed service agreement.
  5. Training internal staff in big data analysis: We believe in building competencies for the future. Big data analytics requires a well-skilled human resource base to execute. Call on us to customize a skills transfer program so that your organization can have sta s who manage big data analytics, going into the future.

Cyber Security Analytics
In a recent report by the SANS Institute called Using Analytics to Predict Future Attacks and Breaches, SANS analyst David Shackleford uses this example and others to show the bene ts and shortcomings of traditional detection capabilities.

  1. We assist organizations in selection and implementation of systems that have the ability to gather and monitor the data needed to fuel faster cyber crime detection.
  2. We offer managed analytics services where we review the client’s data and provide reports on anomalies on a near real time basis.
    Cyber security + analytics = Better network visibility

Data Driven Internal Audit
Internal audit continues to search for opportunities to provide deeper insights and value across the organization to address rising pressure from stakeholders, increased regulations, and a dynamic busi- ness landscape.

  1. We assist internal audit teams to embed analytics in a way that supports the entire audit program. We bring a combination of audit, data analytics, technology, and business knowledge to identify patterns, trends, and anomalous behavior using data. This leads to richer business insights and enables internal audit to position themselves more strategically within the organization.
  2. We assist internal audit departments leverage data analytics in order to better understand existing risks, provide more assurance coverage, provide insights to management